Harshita Arya
3 min readApr 10, 2021

One fine morning you feel like changing your life, and the first thing you do is look for some motivational book that can magically change your life. Chances are you’ll find millions of books at your door and every one of them talks about having a purpose in your life.

You ask yourself, “What is the purpose of my life?”. And just like every other social being on this planet, you go ahead and ask Google the same question. If this is your situation, trust me you are missing a lot in your life.

Don’t get me wrong! I’m not making you sound like a criminal in your head but making you realize that self-awareness should be your priority. Knowing “the real purpose of your life” should be your priority. Just like having a cup of Chai is! And it’s okay if you don’t know it yet because the truth is most of us don’t.

The reason why is it so important to have a purpose in life is that is it allows you to see the bigger picture, something you wake up to every day, something that gives your life meaning. It could be as simple as making people smile or as big as becoming a billionaire. Your purpose defines you! It gives you a sense of rhythm and helps you to eliminate the unimportant things in your life, things that don’t serve your purpose.

I have listed down a set of 5 questions to help you find your life purpose, something that has helped me discover mine. The next time you feel lost, ask yourself these questions.

What is your life about?

As human beings, our values speak a lot about ourselves, and one of them is to help each other. What difference can you bring to society? What qualities can you add as an individual to make this world a better place? Contribute your part to this world because it definitely will make you feel better. You are here for a reason, don’t forget that!

What is that one thought which never leaves your mind?

That one thought which keeps you in a constant loop could be the very purpose of your life, something to which you keep coming back. Journal your everyday thoughts and see what is that one thing that makes you see your worth and makes you confident.

What does your heart tell you?

There will always be something that would put your soul on fire, just the mere thought of it and your heart would start beating so fast as if telling you that this is where you want to be. Don’t let it go and remind yourself every day to come closer to it.

What is that one thing you can sacrifice your sleep for?

Everything in life requires sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice for? What keeps you awake at night? What makes you forget to pick up your beloved’s call? That one thing could be your purpose.

What sets you free?

Is it financial independence you’re looking for? Or a car of your own? Everything that you fight for comes down to what sets you free. Remember, you’ve got to fight for yourself and that nobody can do this for you.



Harshita Arya

Constant poet in my imagination, I write to heal